
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Live a Little

"I'm not the girl you'll find taking irrational decisions when it comes to important things in my life."

I'm kidding. Just wanted to see how that sounds ;) Because I am exactly the opposite and would give an arm and a leg to be called calm, composed, rational. Though I am somewhat rational at some level, but I don't quite know what to make of the irregular spurts that I have. Anyhow, so why think about it today?

Because, I am a control freak so when it comes to my life, I like it planned, like a movie that I can watch in my head and know the climax and go to sleep peacefully. And that's how it works for me most times, except that sometimes, life just adds some spice to my life. Then I sit with my cup of tea and think, should I go for it? This situation, this moment, this chance : should I just take it or deny its whole existence to myself and keep going on  as planned.

When I asked a friend about it, she said "Live a little"... Three words that made me smirk and I just went for it. And by the end of the day, what I did was not a part of the life I had planned, it made me happy. Sometimes, life should be unplanned. We all like a free movie ticket every now and then don't we and even if we haven't planned to go to the movies, we would if someone gave us a spare ticket. Isn't it? Okay wait...I'm sure all of you are already sold to the idea and anyway don't plan every minute of your lives. It's me who needed this talk but this post makes it sound like I'm trying to revolutionize your lives ! Haha, you gotta love denial !

Thanks for reading you lovely people !


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